Creative Writing

2015 · Poetry

The Last Song of Unnar Heiðrúnar

The Trinity Journal of Literary Translation, Vol. 3

A free verse poem, originally written for a one-act play. Accompanied by a translation into Icelandic by Ester Bíbí Ásgeirsdóttir and Ásgeir Árnason.

2015 · Literary Translation

Creation Myth (Cosmogony) of the D’orobo People

The Trinity Journal of Literary Translation, Vol. 3

Literary translation from English into Russian of a creation myth originally recorded by Caroline Norris.

2014 · Travel

Voices from Myanmar

TN2, March

A travel piece documenting the accounts of four Myanmar people encountered in different parts of the country, who share their perspectives on the complex heritage of Myanmar (accompanied by photographs taken with FED, 35mm).

2013 · Creative Non-fiction

Japan in a Day: From Sidewalks to Solitude

TN2, September

A short piece of creative travel non-fiction exploring the juxtaposition between the urban and the rural in contemporary Japan (accompanied by photographs taken with Zenit, 35mm).

2012 · Short Story

A Folk Tale

Icarus Magazine, Vol. LXIII.I

A short story, nominated for the Irish National Smedias Awards 2013 in the category “Short Story of the Year.” Published in Icarus, the oldest literary journal in Ireland.